Image created for The Space Museum by Alex Storer.

Image created for The Space Museum by Alex Storer.

about the space museum

THE SPACE MUSEUM is dedicated to cataloging Doctor Who collectibles from 1963 to 1989—the original run of the BBC TV series. The items in the galleries come from the collection of Christopher Hill. The collection focuses on toys and games, books, magazines and other printed material, and promotional, advertising and point-of-sale items.

THE SPACE MUSEUM is searching for a number of items to add to the collection. These are listed on the WANTED page and, where possible, are shown in the Galleries with an ORANGE frame.

Please use the icons at the bottom of the page to follow The Space Museum on Twitter or Facebook for the latest updates.

Chris Hill 1973-2018.jpg


I have always been a collector—I enjoy the process of acquiring items; organizing and cataloging; and displaying the collection. This site exists in part because my collection has grown to the point where I no longer have the space to display many of my items. Nor do I like the idea of items being hidden away in a private collection and want the Doctor Who merchandise and ephemera that I have collected to be as accessible as possible to other enthusiasts. The Internet seems the perfect solution. My collection can be viewed at any time and from anywhere in the world.

Doctor Who is among my earliest memories; I remember a scene from “The Power of the Daleks” and recall playing with the Dalek Shooting Game and a Herts Plastic Moulders Dalek as a young child. However, I can trace my decision to collect Doctor Who merchandise to the day my father brought home the first issue of Countdown in February 1971. Over the subsequent 50 years, I have added books and toys, magazines and newspapers, advertising and point-of-sale items, records and videos - pretty much anything that features Doctor Who. And I continue to search for rare and unusual items.

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This collection would be very much smaller were it not for my friendships with other prominent collectors, most notably Phil Bhullar, Mick Hall, Dale Santos, Steven Smith, and Colin Young. Thank you!

The image used on the Homepage was created by Will Brooks. The image used on the About page was created by Alex Storer.

Social media & online presence manager - Katharyn J. Hill